who we are

cvct Committee

Let us introduce you to the volunteers who keep CVCT on the road, whether in the driving seat or behind the scenes.

Stephen Sparrow. chair

Stephen has lived in Dumfries and Galloway on and off since 1986, and moved to Moniaive in 2015. His background is in civil engineering, environmental services and health and safety. He retired from full-time work in 2012. He has been involved with CVCT as a volunteer driver for about five years and became its chairman on the formation of a new committee in 2019.

Geoff creamer. secretary

Geoff lives between Penpont and Thornhill and is a retired librarian. He was the area librarian for the eastern part of the region, based in Lockerbie. He has been a CVCT driver since 2018. He is our secretary and handles all the bookings for the bus and the driver rota. Geoff sings with Dumfries Choral Society and The Balliol Singers, and is married with a grown-up daughter and son.

ALan James

Alan is a retired landscape architect and sustainable transport consultant, living just across the river from Wallaceton since 1996.  He was a founder (along with the late Ian Walker) of CVCT in 2003, which grew out of Glencairn Community Transport to include Dunscore when we bought our first bus.  Alan is well-known among CVCT excursion regulars for his knowledge of the North of England (where he grew up) and for his tendency to take trips along roads less travelled.

Hazel Ford

Hazel is a non-driving committee member of CVCT and focuses particularly on representing our passengers on the committee. Hazel is a true globetrotter, having lived and worked in Canada, the USA and various other countries, before casting-up in Moniaive a few years ago and deciding to stay.

Our drivers


Details as above

Kath Aitken

Kath is a retired farmer and lives at Auchenage near Dunscore. She has been a volunteer driver with CVCT for about 5 years.

Matthew Aitken

Matthew is retired and lives near Dunscore. He has been driving for CVCT for about five years.

Please get in touch with us.