bus hire

Our service

Our bus can be hired by community organisations. You do not have to be a constituted group, but you must be a bona fide community group based in the area of benefit – Glencairn, Dunscore and Tyron – and your group must affiliate to CVCT.

To enquire, please use the form below or Contact Us for details

The prices and conditions of hire are below. We can provide a driver for group hires but we encourage groups that are regular hirers to find their own driver, who will be trained by us



Mileage @ 60p/mile


Up to 6 hours  @ £8
6 to 10 hours  @ £17
Over 10 hours @ £27


terms and conditions

1. We agree to participate in the affairs of Cairn Valley Community Transport (CVCT) as Affiliate Members.

2. We will ensure that our members using the bus will be briefed that CVCT’s policy is that smoking, illegal substances, alcoholic drinks, or takeaway meals will not be permitted on board the bus.

3. We will ensure that our members strictly observe the requirement for seat-belts to be worn at all times while on the bus and recognise that this will be enforced by the driver. We accept responsibility for the provision of age appropriate child seats where necessary, and only if these can be accommodated within the existing bus layout.

4. We are aware that the bus is licensed to carry a maximum of sixteen passengers (all seated) and will ensure that this is the maximum number boarded when the bus is hired by us. We undertake to pass details of any wheelchair access (maximum one passenger) required to the bus to CCVT two days prior to the day of the hire (where a wheelchair is carried, the number of able-bodied passengers will be limited to fourteen). Where children under the age of 16 are travelling we recognise that a minimum of one adult passenger must also be present on the bus.

5. We recognise that the Cairn Valley Community Trust bus is a community project and that we, as users, have a responsibility to leave the interior in the state in which we would wish to find it upon boarding.

6. We are aware that any unnecessary distraction of the driver by a passenger while the bus is in motion is an offence, and confirm that our members’ attention will be drawn to this fact.

7. We acknowledge that the driver will remain at all times in charge of the vehicle; that destination and routing will be agreed in advance with Cairn Valley Community Transport, and that divergences, except in the case of emergencies or road/traffic management demands, will not be sought from the driver.

8. It is understood that a quotation of hire charges will be based on our estimate of the duration of the hire, and on Cairn Valley Community Transport’s estimate of the distance involved in the proposed journey. Amounts invoiced will reflect the actual time for which the bus has been engaged (an excess of up to thirty minutes will be ignored), and actual number of miles travelled.

9. We agree that the amounts invoiced will be paid within thirty days of the date of the invoice.

10. We confirm that the bookings made by us will be in respect of proposed travel by our group only and that no bookings will be made by us on behalf of other groups or third parties, even though some members of our group may, coincidentally, be participating in the travel by other groups or third parties.

11. Bookings for use of the Cairn Valley Community bus by our group will be made only by the individual or individuals whose names have been registered with Cairn Valley Community Transport as being authorised to do so.